Revised 6/29/96 to change contact information
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC18/WG8 N1351 Title: Request for contributions for review of ISO 8879 (Standard Generalized Markup Language - SGML) Source: WG8 Project: Project editor: C. F. Goldfarb Status of document: Approved WG8 document Requested action: For information Date: 11 Oct 1991 Distribution: WG8 and liaisons ISO 8879 (SGML) was published in October 1986, and has recently been subject to an ISO formal 5-year review ballot which reaffirmed the standard for an additional five years (source: SC18 N3128). With this support, WG8 has directed the Project Editor to conduct a systematic review of the standard to consider future development. The review process will ensure that every clause, paragraph, note, and syntax production of ISO 8879 is reviewed. WG8 has agreed to a set of principles for any future development, a copy of which is attached (JTC1/SC18/WG8 N1289). These principles restrict any changes to those that correct errors, remove ambiguities, and make enhancements that are upwardly compatible with the existing standard. These principles will ensure that all existing conforming SGML documents will continue to conform after any revision of the standard. The purpose of this notice is to invite contributions for the review. Comments on ISO 8879 will be welcomed in printed form or as machine-readable unformatted ASCII files (Macintosh or DOS floppies and E-mail accepted). SGML files are of course the most useful format; a DTD can be obtained from the Project Editor, to whom the comments should also be sent: Dr. Charles F. Goldfarb, SGML Project Editor c/o Dr. Lynne A. Price Text Structure Consulting 48680 Taos Road Fremont, CA 94539 USA [email protected] FAX +1 (510)498-1104 National member bodies and liaison organisations are encouraged to distribute this notice as widely as possible.
ATTACHMENT (WG8 N1289) The future development of ISO 8879 shall be consistent with the following principles: 1. Any document that is a conforming SGML document according to the current standard shall continue to be a conforming document under the provisions of future versions of the standard. 2. The results of parsing an SGML document (that is, the element structure information set, or "ESIS") that conforms to the current standard shall be unchanged when the document is parsed under the provisions of future versions of the standard. 3. A document that is classified as a minimal or basic conforming SGML document under the current standard shall continue to be classified as such under the provisions of future versions of the standard. NOTE 1 -- These principles should not be construed to mean that no changes can be made to ISO 8879. To meet evolving user requirements, for example, some changes of the following types are possible without violating the above principles: a) Relaxing restrictions b) Adding new constructs c) Partitioning existing optional features d) Introducing options to allow the suppression of troublesome existing constructs, when experience indicates that the constructs tend to induce user errors with serious consequences 4. Future versions of the standard shall require conforming SGML parsers and systems to support conforming SGML documents, minimal conforming SGML documents, and basic conforming SGML documents to at least the same extent as the current standard. NOTE 2 -- Future versions of this standard can introduce additional requirements as well. NOTE 3 -- These principles should not be construed to mean that the definition of a "conforming SGML document" cannot be changed, only that existing conforming SGML documents will continue to be classified as such.
[Link to ISO 8879 Review Current Information Set]