TITLE: | Third Interim Report on the Project Editor's Review of ISO 8879 |
PROJECT: | JTC1.18.15.1 |
PROJECT EDITOR: | Dr. Charles F. Goldfarb |
STATUS: | Approved report |
ACTION: | For information |
DATE: | 24 May 1996 |
DISTRIBUTION: | WG8 and Liaisons |
REPLY TO: | Dr. James D. Mason
(ISO/IEC JTC1/SC18/WG8 Convenor) Oak Ridge National Laboratory Information Management Services Bldg. 2506, M.S. 6302, P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6302 U.S.A. Telephone: +1 423 574-6973 Facsimile: +1 423 574-6983 Network: [email protected] http://www.ornl.gov/sgml/wg8/wg8home.htm ftp://ftp.ornl.gov/pub/sgml/wg8/ |
WG8 has directed the Project Editor of ISO 8879 (SGML) to conduct a systematic review of the standard to consider future development. As the review is in its final stages and participation is increasing, this report incorporates the substance of both previous reports (N1605 and N1701) and some other documents in order to reduce the number of documents that need be accessed by new participants.
WG8 has agreed to a set of principles for any future development (JTC1/SC18/WG8 N1289, attached below). These principles ensure that all existing conforming SGML documents will continue to conform after any changes are made to the standard.
WG8 has also adopted a policy for the review (JTC1/SC18/WG8 N1350, attached below). The review process ensures that every clause, paragraph, note, and syntax production of ISO 8879 is reviewed.
At the Munich meeting in May, 1996, the following additional policy provisions were adopted:
The review has been structured in two related activities:
The objective of this activity is to define explicitly the information described by the SGML syntax and to group it, as appropriate, into useful "information sets", such as the Element Structure Information Set (ESIS) (see annex A of ISO/IEC DIS 13673).
This activity is now complete. The "SGML Property Set" defines the full set of information described by SGML markup. This work was done in conjunction with DSSSL and HyTime experts and appears in both the DSSSL standard and the SGML Extended Facilities (formerly "General Facilities") annex of the HyTime standard. We are proposing that it be incorporated in the revision of ISO 8879.
The objective of this activity is to identify changes required to correct or enhance the text of ISO 8879, and to publish a revised edition of the standard that incorporates those changes and the changes made by Amendment 1 (1988).
The activity will be conducted in the following sequence:
This step is currently in process. It will result in a list of requirements expected to be satisfied by the revision of SGML. Interim reports are being published as the work proceeds. These reports include requirements gathered from comments submitted by participants as well as from the systematic examination of the standard.
The list of requirements generated by the first step will be reviewed for technical accuracy. A final list of "Requirements to be Satisfied by the Revision of ISO 8879", including the expected changes needed to satisfy the requirements, will be submitted for Member Body approval. Also submitted will be the reasons why the list fails to include any requirement that had previously been identified as a requirement expected to be satisfied.
Text will be prepared for the changes needed to satisfy the approved requirements and will be ballotted in accordance with ISO directives.
Upon approval of the text of the changes, the changes will be incorporated into the text of ISO 8879, together with Amendment 1, and the integrated text will be published.
The review has progressed sufficiently that we can state that changes will be recommended. In order to acquaint the SGML community with the types of change we are contemplating, we have prepared an interim list of requirements and associated changes. Please note that the list is by no means complete with respect either to the set of requirements or the possible changes associated with each requirement. Nor do we believe it to be statistically representative of the changes that we will eventually recommend. The list follows, in no particular order (except for grouping together items from the same earlier report):
For definitional character entity sets, add the ability to define the entity text as either a character in a defined character set and/or by an ISO10646 character registry name.
Allow Boolean combinations of INCLUDE and IGNORE keywords in marked section declarations.
Allow reference to an existing SGML declaration with local modifications.
Modularize the SHORTTAG feature so that attribute minimization can be used with or without allowing empty tags.
Clarify the description of record boundary handling, explaining clearly the relationship between detecting data characters and ignoring characters, including whether ignored characters are first recognized as data characters.
Devise a less burdensome method for declaring long sequences of character numbers.
[The report did not include possible changes that address this requirement.]
The recommendations in WG8 N1035 are considered to be incorporated into this list.
[WG8 N1854 addresses this requirement further.]
Provide a means for specifying more than one language in the public text language of a formal public identifier
Revise the conformance clause to require that conforming SGML systems be able to use a plain text format in addition to any other format that they use.
Incorporate the SGML Extended Facilities of the revised ISO/IEC 10744 into ISO 8879.
It shall be possible, in an IDREF or IDREFS attribute value, to specify the name of the entity that defines the name space in which a referenced ID occurs. The syntax is "#ENTITY entity-name ID" (or possibly a list of IDs after which a suitable reserved word, such as #THISDOC, could be used to identify additional local IDs). This facility shall not be extended any further. The standard will point out that HyTime should be used for more sophisticated requirements such as indirect referencing. The standard will also warn the user of the risks of using direct referencing to external objects whose location could change. (Note: The experience of one large user has been that any object referenced more than twice should be referenced indirectly.)
SGML declarations will optionally be allowed in SUBDOC entities.
The standard will be based on the character model that is summarized below. Terms used that are not defined here are defined in ISO 8879 or in the Formal System Identifier Definition Requirements (FSIDR) of the SGML Extended Facilities. Some terms defined in those standards are introduced here with informal definitions that are intended to be consistent with the formal ones.
NOTE: This text is subject to revision as the Review proceeds.
TITLE: | Future development of ISO 8879 |
PROJECT EDITOR: | C. F. Goldfarb |
STATUS OF DOCUMENT: | Agreed WG8 Position |
REQUESTED ACTION: | For information |
DATE: | 7 May 1990 |
DISTRIBUTION: | WG8 and Liaisons |
The future development of ISO 8879 shall be consistent with the following principles:
NOTE 1 -- These principles should not be construed to mean that no changes can be made to ISO 8879. To meet evolving user requirements, for example, some changes of the following types are possible without violating the above principles:
- Relaxing restrictions
- Adding new constructs
- Partitioning existing optional features
- Introducing options to allow the suppression of troublesome existing constructs, when experience indicates that the constructs tend to induce user errors with serious consequences
NOTE 2 -- Future versions of this standard can introduce additional requirements as well.
NOTE 3 -- These principles should not be construed to mean that the definition of a "conforming SGML document" cannot be changed, only that existing conforming SGML documents will continue to be classified as such.
TITLE: | Policy for the Review of ISO 8879 |
PROJECT EDITOR: | C. F. Goldfarb |
STATUS OF DOCUMENT: | Agreed WG8 Position |
REQUESTED ACTION: | For information |
DATE: | 11 Oct 1991 |
DISTRIBUTION: | WG8 and liaisons |
WG8 has directed the Project Editor of ISO 8879 to conduct a detailed review of the standard to consider future development. The review process will ensure that every clause, paragraph, note, and syntax production of ISO 8879 is reviewed.
The review is not expected to result in any substantive change to the scope of ISO 8879. All proposed changes will adhere to the principles expressed in WG8 N1289, "Future development of ISO 8879."
NOTE -- WG8 N1289 mandates upward compatibility such that conforming SGML documents and applications will remain conforming regardless of changes to ISO 8879. However, it does not necessarily protect existing conforming systems: SGML parsers, for example, may need to be modified to recognize new constructs (that is, to recognize documents that do not conform to the current standard but may conform to a future version). Nor does N1289 protect nonconforming documents: text that is currently erroneous might be considered valid by a future version of ISO 8879.
If the review results in function being added to a future version of ISO 8879, there shall be a revised SGML declaration that will allow identification of the ISO 8879 version to which a document conforms.
A document conforming to the 1986 version (with a 1986 SGML declaration) shall continue to conform in any future system, and to be interpreted in exactly the same way.
NOTE -- This rule applies to all of SGML, including the element structure, entity structure, and nesting of marked sections.
It shall be possible to create an equivalent future SGML declaration for every 1986 SGML declaration. The prolog and document instance set of a 1986 conforming SGML document will be interpreted identically by any future SGML system with either of the equivalent SGML declarations.
As SGML end users and their managers can now learn about SGML in a less formal way than by studying the standard, any proposed changes to the standard resulting from the review process will be written for an audience consisting primarily of software developers, software testers, and members of standards committees.
The review process will be a single-stage process. Any future development of the standard will be done in a coherent manner, not piecemeal. The complete design from the top down will be understood before development of details is prioritized. Technical work and possible reorganization will be completed before final wording of individual paragraphs is attempted.
If experts disagree for good reason over the interpretation of some provision of the standard, the provision shall be considered ambiguous and resolution of the ambiguity shall be considered a corrigendum, rather than added function.
To protect users and implementers from having to make multiple revisions to remain current with the standard, intermediate publication of corrigenda will be considered only in the unlikely event that serious problems with the current version are encountered. However, any changes in a revised version of ISO 8879 that are in fact corrigenda will be identified as such, as they could affect the determination of whether upward compatibility has been maintained.
The user requirements for SGML as presented by each participating expert will be given equal respect, even if other experts have not encountered some requirements in their own work. SGML must accommodate all the requirements.
It is expected that not all SWG meetings will be equally well attended. Complete records will be kept of meetings to keep absent members informed, and to assure consistency of direction from meeting to meeting. In particular, major issues that were resolved at a large meeting will not be reopened at a subsequent smaller meeting in which advocates of one side or the other are not present.
[Link to ISO 8879 Review Current Information Set]